Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Long time, eh.

This is Leslie, me, and Krista (my roomies)

So I haven't blogged in a long time. Life is great, busy and chaotic and stressful, but great. I have been teaching 10th grade Biology now for two months...well, almost. It's going really well. It definitely keeps me busy though. I wake up and leave before my roommates wake up and then I come home and make lesson plans for the next day and then I go to bed. Yup, that's my life. I have come to love these students! They make me laugh and can always put a smile on my face. My third hour gives me high fives as they leave. Yes! I have one kid, Brandon, he may come off as a punk at first glance, but he's a good kid. We were doing some experiments with bean germination in class and afterward he was like "What if we do this...or this..." I told him I didn't know, but he could try. So he's been doing his own experiment for three weeks now and he checks it every day before class. That is learning, that is science! I love seeing these students light up when they understand something or learn something cool or interesting. Hopefully, over the course of my days as a teacher I can help many students learn to love learning. Maybe they'll learn a little Biology too. :)

As for my personal life... because despite what you may think, teachers are real people too... I'm doing well. I played the guitar at Guitars Unplugged. It was fun! I figured I may as well audition, I mean, really, once college is over when will I ever have a chance to play my guitar on stage again?

My foot is healing well. I even snowboarded down Old Main a bunch on Saturday (I didn't think it was quite ready for a real ski hill yet, nor was my budget). My hair is ridiculously long...again. Time for a trim. probably don't care about that. Oh well. I graduate in two short months. Wow. Then off to who knows where. This part of life sure is crazy. I'm always blowing in the wind, but I just have no idea where the wind will take me or when. But I continue to glide, to move along through life, hoping that I caught the right current.

So, my friends, if you want to send me a letter this summer, DON'T. Because I have no idea where I'll be. Or maybe toss it in the wind...that's where I can be found.


At 11:19 AM, Blogger Amelia Chesley said...

wow kelli, that is awesome.
any idea where you want to go once you graduate?

did i tell you i'm teaching now too? once a week webdesign... it's a lot more fun than i thought teaching could be.
say hi to logan for me. i miss it. it snowed today up here but it's melting away already...

At 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea where my life is headed? How about you, Amelia? What are you up to nowadays?

At 2:34 PM, Blogger Amelia Chesley said...

filling out mission papers, watching the sky. that's about it right now.


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