Monday, July 31, 2006

For the first time in my college career, I am not excited for school to start. Every year I get this anticipatory, excited feeling in early know, the feeling you had all through elementary school when you'd do your back-to-school shopping and get ready to start another year of school (For some reason I really like shopping for school supplies). Then the day before school started you would pick out your favorite new outfit and get it ready for the next day (maybe that was just me). Anywho, I love Logan and I love Utah State so every fall I can't wait to move back to Logan so school can start. I start stalking my new roommates, sending them emails and trying to bond before we even meet. I get antsy and can't wait to move to my new apartment. I pretty much start counting down the days in early July.

But this year is different. For the first time ever...I don't want school to start. I think it's because I don't want it to end. You see, this is all I have left - one year - that's it! I remember my freshman year looking at my four-year schedule thinking "There is no light at the end of the tunnel! I'm going to be here forever." Now the light is getting closer every day, and I just want to turn and run the other way. I don't want it to end. I love college! I love Utah State! I love roommates! I love it all! I guess I'm not ready for this chapter of my life to be over. Therefore, I'm not looking forward to school starting because I know how fast it is going to go by.

On another note, I have to admit that I'm still excited for this year. It's going to be great! This year is going to be so different from any other school year. I'll be living in a new place with new roommates. I'll be doing my student teaching in the spring. It'll be different, but great!

So I guess since I can't slow time down, and I can't go back --- BRING IT ON!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Me and My Guitar

I love performing on the guitar! Alicia Wall and I played at Borders earlier this summer. I think performing is one of the best feelings. I just need to keep improving on the guitar so people will really want to listen to me. How would it be to have people want to have a cd of your music to listen to?! Oh, man! That's like a dream come true! But the few times I have performed, I've done it for selfish reasons - for me. I do it because it scares me a little, it stretches me, and because I love it.

So we got a little creative with the camera the other day, maybe we got a little carried away. But as a result, now I have a ton of pictures with me and my guitar. Ya know, if I had an album, I'm pretty sure some of these pictures would be on it.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I haven't posted in a long time...for all of you avid readers of my blog, I apologize. I guess I've been getting a little caught up in life.

These are some pictures of some of my latest adventures slack-lining. You strap this rope between two trees and walk on it. It's very have to find your's like meditation for me. But I was getting a little bored just doing in between trees, so we did it over the canal. I'm in search of a deeper river so we can do it high in the air :) If you have any suggestions, let me know!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Summer Fun

Here are some more photos of my summer fun.

We went rock-climbing up Logan Canyon. I love the outdoors! This is why I love Cache Valley! There are so many recreational things to do within 10 minutes drive.

In Idaho you have to drive forever and then the hikes and stuff are miniscule and filled with sagebrush. Idaho's a good place, but I love Cache Valley. It's a special place!

This is a picture of Amber at the top of the climb.

Derek's first climb ever. He did awesome!

This was taken while we were waterskiing a few days ago.
I'm having a great summer! I'm glad that I stayed in Logan for the summer. I only wish that I had many more summers before I end college. But alas, this is it...unless I get my masters...hmmm. Anywho, I'm having a great time!
By the way, you can look forward to some awesome slack-lining pictures. They are on their way!

Monday, July 03, 2006
